Thursday, July 26, 2012


So this post is to just get some thoughts out there.

The other day, I was on facebook and scrolling through my newsfeed and saw a status update from this page I liked awhile ago.  It's a fanpage for a website that a kid I knew started with his friend, which is centered around the Philadelphia hockey team, the Flyers called The Orange Update.  Out of curiosity, I clicked on the website and wow.  Has this thing grown.

I do like sports, and I'm a Philly fan, but it's not the content of this website that impressed me.  It's the fact that a kid my age, with his friend, has developed this website they made for fun into a business.  I was just so impressed.

So this made me think about developing one's life to make it successful.  I just feel like too many people wait around waiting for things to happen as opposed to going out and doing it.  I honestly don't believe in the "things will fall into your lap" mentality.  Hard work is what gets it done.  So I guess the point of this little "thoughts" blog is just if you have a goal, just go and do it.  Because waiting for it to come to you accomplishes nothing but lost time.

If you read this little rant, thank you haha


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